"NFTs would be more like products that have 0 uses other than digital artwork"
You seem to have no idea about what NFTs are.
NFT’s are meant to become part of an ecosystem within web3. There are a number of ways they will be used. When you’ll want to set up some piece of art as your user image (imstead of some plain boring image) the system will ask you to prove yourself as the owner of that known piece of art? When you’ll enter the Metaverse (virtual venue, game, etc) and you’ll want some famous artistic avatar, before the system will transform you into that you’ll have to provide the NFT that proves you’re the rightful owner. You don’t have it, try to shove some physical deeds of ownership into the USB slot. Another main use will be as one of a kind “personalized money” for use in the Metaverse economy and physical economy. The value of all manner of things, not just NFT’s, is only made possible by them being part of an ecosystem. Have you seen what tiny patches of printed paper we call stamps can go for? And they don’t have a fraction of the ecosystem integration that these art NFT have.
But NFTs will be a much much greater thing that we can imagine today. NFTs aren’t about art, this is just how they started being used. NFTs have the ability to track every God damn human artifact on earth (clothing items, fridges, car tires, airplane parts, batteries, etc etc) and certify every economic interaction. Very soon, major brands of clothing will start using NFTs to track their items, certifying their originality, ownership, helping with warranties, implementing programms of refurbishment, returns against new items, etc. Pizzerias will mint NFTs that will grant their owners the ability to take a number of pizzas and other products each day/week—and the owners could sell this right, especially if the pizzeria becomes famous and the NFT appreciates in price. You can code into the NFT all sorts of clauses, like for instance that the original emitter (the Pizzeria) gets 10 percent of every successive sale of the NFT. You can mint NFTs that grant access to virtual venues, like concerts or places where certain people meet and discuss. Imagine a place where Silicon Valley execs meet, that would be posh wouldn’t it? If you have the money and an interest in these businesses, you could buy your seat at the table by way of NFT. This could be done for a specified number of private meetings with some celebrity (if the celeb agrees), meetings with programmers and engineers, artists, or simply access to a gorgeous virtual space designed, maintained and updated by digital, landscape and soundscape artists, a "virtual lounge" where you can meet with your friends or strangers, see your Tinder before going out in the real world. There are also very ambitious projects that try to take us out of our current primitive massively wasteful economy and implement a circular economy where every physical object has an intelligently designed trajectory (from resources in the ground all the way to its new life as base resource for other objects), and these projects require NFTs because this massively complex rhizomatic flow will need to be tracked and automatized.
These things will go beyond our imagination, beyond our ability to believe in what’s possible. Self-driving cars will self-diagnose and contact a repair shop for changing a part then drive themselves there and pay for the repair from their own crypto wallet, with money made by driving people around via decentralized Uber-like apps (dApps). Lakes will have digital twins (see Mirrorworld) with crypto wallets in which nature lovers could make donations. When the pollution sensors will detect some toxic spill, the digital identity of the lake will contract a firm to restore the water parameters to normal. Right now it’s impossible to believe this intelligent environment can ever be true, but people always fail to grasp that if you turn back in time and say to some peasant that worked almost the entire day for 360 days/year in order to feed their family, that when you’re getting your food you’re looking at a rectangular piece of glass, going through almost any type of food available on the entire surface of the Earth, select by putting your finger on it and then it comes at your door in about an hour, the peasant will rightly call you insane.
With all that said, yes, most art NFTs of today are garbage.